Don’t worry, this isn’t going to become a mommy blog

But really, by the time I hit nine months you people are going to be all FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KID, COME OUT OF THERE, so I’ll stop talking about being pregnant.

Seriously though, how excited am I?  Ridiculously excited.  I had my first appointment on Wednesday and I was extremely happy to see that little peanut with it’s flickering heartbeat.  Speaking of, I also got to hear the heartbeat and it was solid and strong.  Just how I like it!

The thing that was a little disturbing was she went straight for the “So, we’re going to schedule another c-section, right?”  And I was like, “Um, NO!”  I think I was a little forceful.  We talked it over and the best I can say is she’s VBAC tolerant but not VBAC supportive.  (Here is some info about VBAC.)  Depending on how things go, I may look into the midwife clinic they have up the at U hospital.  How cool is that, that we have a midwife clinic here?!

Basically her concern is that if I have another large baby (remember, Ezra was 11 lbs, 3 oz.) that I won’t be able to have it naturally.  The thing is, I’ve done a ton of research over the last couple months, and I kind of feel like I was pressured into the cesarean.  I mean, I’ll admit mostly it’s on me because I didn’t do the research or advocate for myself even though I now wish I would have (the Ricki Lake documentary “The Business of Being Born” was a total eye opener), but I feel like I’m well informed this time around.

For those who are curious, here are some of the resources I’ve been reading up on:
International Cesarean Awareness Network
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Evidence Based Birth – This one had a ton of white papers/articles I found fascinating.  Again, I wish I had studied up during my last pregnancy.
Plus Size Birth

The hard part will be not really gaining any weight.  She doesn’t want me to lose weight, but she doesn’t want me to gain more than 10, tops, because I’m already starting out so heavy.  So that will be a challenge (I say as I eat a slice of chocolate cake.  From Costco.  The kind with the fudge layers.  Mmm mmm.).

As for symptoms, so far it’s going like with Ezra, no morning sickness.  Really, aside from bloating and being frickin’ tired all the time I have no symptoms, which is AWESOME!  I’m hoping I don’t swell like I did last time, though.  That part was really no fun.

Some folks think it’s risky announcing my pregnancy so early (I announced at eight weeks, right after my first ultrasound), but I really don’t feel like I’m tempting fate.  If I had a history of miscarriage I’d probably wait, but I don’t, and if I did miscarry I’d probably want support, I wouldn’t want to hide it like I’m ashamed.  So, whatever happens in the future, right now I am PREGNANT AND ECSTATIC!


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