Category: rabbits

  • Feeling the call to craft

    Lately I have been really into making bracelets. Before Ezra was born I bought a ton of beads, thinking I was going to have all this time during my three-month maternity leave to bead and make things.  Yeah, I was wrong.  It wasn’t that I didn’t have free time those first couple months, but mainly…

  • Rabbit gender fail!

    As you all know by now, a few months back we acquired 4 rabbits; 3 does and 1 buck.  We lost 1 doe to heat stress, but the others were doing fine, so we decided to begin breeding them.  We took the New Zealand White doe and placed her with the NZW buck.  They smelled…

  • Taming of the shrew(s)

    With our rabbits getting all mature and frisky, we are starting to plan a breeding schedule.  Well, not so much a schedule as when to breed for the first time.  We’ll go to a schedule once we get a feel for the situation most likely.  I have been on one of my Facebook rabbit forums…

  • Lost a rabbit doe from heat stress

    I don’t know where you folks live, but here in SLC it has been SCORCHING. Granted, scorching for me is about 105 degrees, but still, that is pretty dang hot. I’ve been worried about the rabbits because rabbits in general suffer from heat stroke very easily, and we don’t have any kind of coolant system…

  • Home again, home again, jiggity jig

    Our female rabbits.  We have one New Zealand White and two Californians.  They are about 2.5-3 months, so still have some time before we can breed them. Our lone male rabbit.  He is a New Zealand White, about 3 months old. Firminite is very effective in providing solution for men of every age though the…