Category: parenting
Don’t worry, this isn’t going to become a mommy blog
But really, by the time I hit nine months you people are going to be all FOR THE LOVE OF GOD KID, COME OUT OF THERE, so I’ll stop talking about being pregnant. Seriously though, how excited am I? Ridiculously excited. I had my first appointment on Wednesday and I was extremely happy to see…
Coming soon to an operating theatre near you!
Just kidding, I’m totally going for a VBAC this time The increase in sexual desire occurs in their mind viagra without prescription canada through thought, not in their body through chemistry. You are buy cialis no prescription using your laptop on lap: – Laptop generates heat and harmful rays and if you use it…
The day of the puke
Sounds ominous, doesn’t it? We got a call Monday night to see if we could bring the dogs to the vet’s office the next day because they had some cancellations. I wanted the dogs to get neutered sooner rather than later and I had Tuesday off work, so we were able to go for it.…
Pointy-elbowed kid
Ezra has the cutest dimples on his elbows. With elbow dimples, you’d think his arms and elbows would be all soft and squishy. I am here to tell you THAT IS NOT THE CASE! When I’m playing Castle Clash on my tablet, he likes to watch. He will snuggle up next to me, and then…
Keeping secrets from doctors?
I’ve been reading lately on how parents are opting to tell pediatricians less and less about dietary or lifestyle choices because they’re afraid of the ramifications that can come of it. I guess it’s not too surprising when there are stories out there about the woman whose doctor called CPS because she was feeding her…